Saturday 27 July 2013

Kena fikir tua is always hurts most


"Mana satu kakak ni?"
"Oh, saya fikir kau 18 tahun keatas."

Hmm, sangat menyedihkan bila fikiran orang gitu. Haih, rasa sangat macam sudah tua berkedut. Hahaha, tidak tidak tidak. Bukan begitu. Tapi, rasa macam muka ni sangat matang. Bukanlah tidak bersyukur, tapi mahu juga wajah yang awet muda. Mahu juga muka masa muka dulu-duuuuulu kesil-kesil. Tapi, walau apa pun, ada juga saudara pernah bertanya, "Universiti mana?". Wahh, banggalah juga bila kena tanya macamtu. Hehehe. tapuji nyaaaa. Kbai.

(Don't take anything serious nor annoyed by me. Biasalah tu.)

Bye, Assalammualaikum:)

Boikot Starbucks


Some says the woman of the Starbucks logo is actually a witch. And the people's mentality when a hijaber stays in that cafe is consider a religion betrayer. But what she do is only having a drink and most importantly her wi-fi connection got suspended for not paying it for a month. So she just want the wi-fi connection for free. i don't know. Maybe you should explain why Muslims can't go to Starbucks. Even though I'll post answer on the link below. But we still have to share thoughts too. Well sharing is caring! :)

Answer: link below

Friday 26 July 2013

I am a Pro


Definition: You postponing your important work that you have to complete. Which is, you are doing it now.

Why: You can't handle the distractions. Most importantly, you have the habit of 'malas'. And you tend to over slept.

Yada yada yadaa. All of above is actually me who always do that. Based on the word 'you', is actually meaning, pointing to myself, me, yes, I. Hey, hello there. I'm Azie. Kalau mahu lebih manja, panggil Ajjhie (Aji). Hahaha, how annoying my is when people call me that. Hmmmmm.

"Gasp. Oh no, I've wasted my whole time for not doing my homework. I should not have done this kind of situation.Screaming!". That is what procrastinators always say. First first ja taubat tapi tahu buat lagi.

Bye, Assalammualaikum.